NAPCRG supports and nurtures clinicians, scientists, students and patients around the world as they pursue primary care research.
Through our ongoing support, conferences, and programs, we bring researchers together, connecting them with the resources they need as they shape the future of primary care.
If you'd like to learn more about NAPCRG and primary care research, get inspired with Bill Phillips' story. William (Bill) Phillips, MD, MPH offered an inspiring, not-to-be missed speech in accepting The Maurice Wood Award for Lifetime Contribution to Primary Care Research at the 2019 NAPCRG Annual Meeting in Toronto, click here.
We are a supportive community committed to bringing out the very best in every one of our members.
We reach across cultures and borders to engage people around the world who are exploring how to move primary care forward.
Our organization is focused on advancing research within primary care.
NAPCRG enables researchers to pursue scientifically and socially relevant research projects.
Our Mission & Vision
NAPCRG is an interdisciplinary volunteer association committed to nurturing primary care researchers working in partnership with individuals, families, and communities.
NAPCRG is the recognized leader of primary care research that improves health and health care for patients, families and communities.

Learn More
11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway
Leawood, KS 66211
Email: napcrgoffice@napcrg.org