Become a Member
Join NAPCRG, the leading organization for primary care researchers. Whether you are just beginning your education or retiring from the profession, NAPCRG offers a membership category to meet your needs. NAPCRG membership provides mentoring and networking activities, monthly newsletters to keep you updated on the happenings in the primary care research community, and the programs and resources needed for your professional growth. Memberships run the calendar year, from October 1 to September 30.

Connect with others who share your passion
- Search for fellow NAPCRG members using the members-only membership directory
- Access to NAPCRG Connect, an online networking tool is exclusive to NAPCRG members and allows for instant, active responses in an online community platform.
- The NAPCRG Annual Meeting is the premier meeting for primary care researchers with more than 800 oral presentations, posters, workshops and forums. CME credit is available.
- The Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) Conference brings together PBRN researchers from the US, Canada, and many other nations to come together to share strategies, methods, and results.
- Participate in a Special Interest Group (SIG). Each SIG has its own community site used for communication, networking, and sharing documents among its members. Each year at the NAPCRG Annual Meeting, SIGs have an opportunity to meet and network face-to-face during SIG breakfast sessions.

Advancement Opportunities
Opportunities to collaborate with Practice-Based Research Networks, Patient Engagement Network, Grant Generating Project (GGP), Building Research Capacity (BRC) Program, CAFM Educational Research Alliance (CERA)
Be in the Know
Access to the monthly NAPCRG Newsletter, Journal discounts available to members, free webinars over subjects on funding, publishing, patient engagement, and other subjects relevant to primary care research
The NAPCRG Awards program offers several awards to recognize members throughout their careers, member recognition for years of membership
Get involved and get the support, knowledge, and networking and experience you need to advance your primary care research career.
- Present a preconference, workshop or forum at conference
- Propose a webinar
- Become a mentor
- Participation in committees, special interest groups, and other members-only groups
- Serve as a abstract reviewer and/or conference session moderator

Special resources for students, residents, and fellows
The Trainee Program aims to cultivate a nurturing learning environment for all students, residents and fellows in the field of primary care research. The program has several components with the cumulative objective to create more involvement, community and resources for NAPCRG trainee members, including travel stipends for trainee members to attend the NAPCRG Annual Meeting.
Participate in the Mentor Match program.
Specific programming and networking events design for trainee members at the Annual Meeting.
Awards design to specifically recognize outstanding research completed by trainee members.

NAPCRG Member Journal Discounts
Print NAPCRG member rate is $65 (U.S.) $80 (Canada) $95 (International).
NAPCRG member rate is $181, a savings of 75% off the individual list price of $766.
NAPCRG member should contact the Journal of Comorbidity for more information and to subscribe.
NAPCRG member rate is $59 plus postage and handling, a savings of 28% off the individual list price of $82.
Free online subscription for NAPCRG members to this quarterly, peer-reviewed journal with a focus on practice, impact and outcomes of primary care services and community health programs.
First-year discounted library subscription price of $200 for NAPCRG members' employing institutions.
Questions about Membership?
11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway
Leawood, KS 66211