PBRN Oral Presentations
Oral presentations are presented consecutively within a designated block of time (usually 60 to 90 minutes) in assigned breakout rooms of the conference hotel.
Sessions are moderated to ensure all presenters get an equal amount of time.
Preparing Your Oral Presentations
As an oral presenter, you have up to 15 minutes to share and discuss your research. We recommend you structure your presentation as follows:
- 8-10 minutes for presentation
- 3-4 minutes for Q&A
- Use of slides is encouraged. Presenters are welcome to use the NAPCRG-provided PowerPoint template if desired.
- If your presentation includes a video or other multimedia, please embed the file into your presentation. This will increase your file size, but links can break, preventing your video’s use.
On Your Presentation Day:
- IMPORTANT: You must bring your presentation with you to the conference on a USB drive. NAPCRG staff will NOT have your presentation available at the conference. A laptop computer and projector are provided in your assigned breakout room for use during your presentation.
- A laptop computer will be available in your assigned breakout room for you to copy your presentation from your USB drive.
- The laptop computer will be available in your assigned breakout room by 7 a.m. on the morning of your presentation. Please plan to copy your presentation during breakfast or a break to avoid disrupting sessions during scheduled presentation times.
- When copying your presentation, we recommend using a file naming convention that is easy to recognize and contains the lead presenter name and topic.
- Examples:
- "PBRN24 - Nease - COVID"
- "PBRN24 - Singer - HIV Care"
- "PBRN24 - Cole - Hypertension Prevalence"
- Once you have copied our presentation onto the provided laptop, please test the file to ensure you the file will open and the correct one has been copied. If your presentation includes any video or multimedia, test those as well.
- Please keep your presentation on your USB drive, even after you have copied the file to the provided laptop. If you encounter problems with your file, you may need to recopy your presentation from your USB drive onto the laptop.
- If you have issues uploading your presentation, please come to the NAPCRG registration desk.
PBRN Workshops
All workshops are presented within a 90-minute period, including breaks or group activities, in assigned breakout rooms of the conference hotel. Presenters will receive details on their specific date, time, and room location as we get closer to the conference.
As a workshop presenter, you lead and moderate your session.
Preparing for Your Workshop
- Use of slides is encouraged. Presenters are welcome to use the NAPCRG-provided PowerPoint template if desired.
- If your presentation includes a video or other multimedia, please embed the file into your presentation. This will increase your file size, but links can break, preventing your video’s use.
- You are responsible for providing copies of all handouts used for your session.
On Your Presentation Day
- IMPORTANT: You must bring your presentation with you to the conference on a USB drive. NAPCRG staff will NOT have your presentation available at the conference. A laptop computer and projector are provided in your assigned breakout room for use during your presentation.
- A laptop computer will be available in your assigned breakout room for you to copy your presentation from your USB drive.
- The laptop computer will be available in your assigned breakout room by 7 a.m. on the morning of your presentation. Please plan to copy your presentation during breakfast or a break to avoid disrupting sessions during scheduled presentation times.
- When copying your presentation, we recommend using a file naming convention that is easy to recognize and contains the lead presenter name and topic.
- Examples:
- "PBRN24 - Nease - COVID"
- "PBRN24 - Singer - HIV Care"
- "PBRN24 - Cole - Hypertension Prevalence"
- Once you have copied our presentation onto the provided laptop, please test the file to ensure you the file will open and the correct one has been copied. If your presentation includes any video or multimedia, test those as well.
- Please keep your presentation on your USB drive, even after you have copied the file to the provided laptop. If you encounter problems with your file, you may need to recopy your presentation from your USB drive onto the laptop.
- If you have issues uploading your presentation, please come to the NAPCRG registration desk.
PBRN Posters
The following information applies to all types of poster presentations. This includes completed research and in-progress research.
There are two poster sessions at the PBRN. All poster sessions are held in the poster hall located Grand Ballroom E-G.
As a poster presenter, you are expected to stand with your poster during both poster sessions to discuss your research and answer questions from those touring the poster hall.
Important Reminders for All Poster Presenters
- Due to strict CE guidelines, no marketing or sales of any kind are allowed during your poster presentation.
- The conference does NOT provide audio/visual equipment or electricity for poster presentations. Wireless Internet is available in the poster hall.
- NAPCRG will provide (1) poster board (8 ft wide X 4 ft tall) per poster presentation and push pins for mounting. Your poster does not need to be printed at a specific size; the only restriction is that it should fit within the poster board.
- NAPCRG staff cannot assume responsibility for any posters. You are responsible for printing and transporting your posters to and from the conference. You are also responsible for setting up, taking down, and storing your own posters.
Preparing Your Poster Presentation
Learn about requirements and recommendations for creating and formatting your poster.
Tips for communicating with a scientific poster.
Poster Shipping Instructions
You are responsible for shipping to/from the conference at your expense, any hotel material handling fees are your expense.
Hyatt Regency Reston
1800 Presidents St
Reston, VA 20190