Nomination/Submission Process
1) Nominator: By April 16, 2025, each nominator will submit the following materials electronically:
- Complete the nomination form - linked below
- A letter of support, written by the nominator, clearly depicting why the nominee should receive this award. A small portion of the letter should stipulate why the nominee is eligible for this award (i.e. is a NAPCRG member, has not won the award previously and is at least 10 years into his/her academic career). The letter should be no more than two pages in length.
Please note: After submitting your nomination, please notify the nominee. The nominee must complete a nomination package. The questions are in depth and may require between 1-3 hours of time to complete.

2) Nominee: The Awards Committee Chair will contact each nominee via e-mail to inform them that they're being considered for the Distinguished Mentor Award. The nominee will be required to submit the following by April 25, 2025:
- Complete the nominee packet
- Upload a current curriculum vitae (five pages maximum, if more than five pages are included the committee will only review the first five.)
- Upload a summary of their mentoring activities (two pages maximum)
- Upload two additional letters of support from current or former trainees, junior researchers and/or junior faculty who have been mentored by the nominee. Letters may be countersigned by more than one individual. Each letter should be no more than one page in length.

Please note: Once you begin your submission, you will not be able to save and return unless you click "Save and Resume". You must save the link provided, NAPCRG staff will not be able to provide you with the link.
Eligibility Criteria
- The nominee must be a current NAPCRG member.
- The nominee must be at least 10 years into their research and/or academic career.
- An individual may only win the Distinguished Mentor Award once.
- Retired candidates may be considered if they have continued to work with mentees.
- The nominee must have an established track record of having fostered the academic careers of others.
- The nominator must be a current NAPCRG member.
Evaluation Process
Complete submissions will be evaluated independently by at least three members of the Awards Committee. The recipient of the Distinguished Mentor Award will be recognized at the NAPCRG Annual Meeting.
Review criteria for evaluation will include:
• Evidence of support in meaningful outcomes for mentees (e.g., publications, grants)
• Evidence of working on diverse groups or individuals
• Evidence of working with mentees of different backgrounds and academic rankings
• Meaningful outcomes for the field of primary care research
Scoring Rubric
2024 - Felicity Goodyear-Smith, MBChB, MGP, MD, FRNZCGP (Dist), FFFLM
2023 - Bernard Ewigman, MD, MSPH
2022 - Gillian Bartlett-Esquilant, PhD
2021 - No recipient
2020 - Navkiran Kaur Shokar, MA, MD, MPH
2019 - David R Mehr, MD, MS and Robert L Phillips, Jr., MD, MSPH
2018 - Marjorie Bowman, MD, MPA and Sandra Burge, MD, PhD
2017 - William R. Phillips, MD, MPH
2016 - Arch G. Mainous, III, PhD
2015 - Wilson Pace, MD