Special resources for students, residents, and fellows
The Trainee Program aims to cultivate a nurturing learning environment for all students, residents and fellows in the field of primary care research. The program has several components with the cumulative objective to create more involvement, community and resources for NAPCRG trainee members, including travel stipends for trainee members to attend the NAPCRG Annual Meeting.

NAPCRG offers a significantly reduced membership fee for students, graduate students with terminal degree, residents and fellows!
Travel Stipends
The trainee stipend program offers five stipends up to $1,000 each. The stipend can be used for expenses required for meeting attendance including transportation, hotel expenses and meals. The purpose of this program is to aid and encourage trainees to attend the NAPCRG Annual Meeting that may be unaffordable otherwise.
To be eligible for the trainee stipend, applicants must be enrolled in an accredited undergraduate, graduate, medical or osteopathic school, or residency program.
To apply for a stipend, you must be in good standing with your medical institution and a current member of NAPCRG. Applications will open in 2024.
Special Program
Attendees will experience a keynote speaker, mentor speed dating and workshops tailored specifically to their education and research needs. The goal of this pre-conference is to provide more experiences and education for trainees while facilitating networking among senior and junior researchers.
The Distinguished Trainee Research Awards are intended to promote and acknowledge outstanding completed primary care research conducted by trainees. Cash prizes are awarded to the top three presentations. Learn more.
Have a question? Reach out to a staff member or specific department for help.
11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway
Leawood, KS 66211
Email: napcrgoffice@napcrg.org