Patient and Clinician Engagement (PaCE) Tea-Time Chats
Grab a cup of tea and join PaCE for our one-hour engaging conversations in the coming months. Not able to join the live chat, watch our past tea-times below.
If you are a community member interested in health research and advocacy, a clinician with a research question, or a researcher interested in engaging your community, please join us for our next tea-time.
Tea-Time Chat: What is PaCE?
Find out what PaCE can do for you and what you can do for PaCE.

Tea-Time: Meet a Patient-Clinician Dyad
Meet one of PaCE's (Patient and Clinician Engagement) patient-clinician dyads and learn about two tools they created to help with primary care research.
Tea-Time: Learn about P4PC
Patients 4 Primary Care (P4PC) grew out of the void of patient voices speaking about the value of Primary Care. At the next Tea Time, learn about P4PC and how it came about; we’ll share the videos created by P4PC and introduce some of the patient partners. How media like this can be useful? How can the voice of patients be utilized to elevate the value of primary care?
Tea-Time: The Ethics of Patient-involved Research
Dr. Minogue is an independent research consultant, advisor, coach and mentor based in the UK, and a former NIH Area Manager in Bioethics. Dr. Salsberg is Associate Professor of Primary Health Care Research – Public and Patient Involvement at the University of Limerick School of Medicine, Ireland, and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Family Medicine, McGill University, Canada. He has also worked extensively with Indigenous communities, particularly the award-winning Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project.
Together they are editors of an upcoming book, "Meaningful and Safe: The Ethics and Ethical Implications of Patient and Public Involvement in Health and Medical Research.” We hope you can join this talented duo as they discuss ethical situations inherent in involving the public and medical patients in primary care research.
Tea-Time: The Ethics of Patient-involved Research
Join us for a discussion about how we’re approaching patient engagement in big, data-driven networks. We’ll talk about what we’ve learned along the way and how we are working to strengthen engagement in our networks and research projects.
Tea-time: Canadian Primary Care Patient Council
Canadian Primary Care Patient Council is pan Canadian representative of the diversity and geography of Canada. The focus of the Patient Council is to support the work in Primary Care through their lens of lived experience and expertise. The Council will present on relational equity within Patient-Oriented Research as it impacts and interfaces with health system transformation.
Tea-time: PaCE: Past, Present, Future
How You Can Play a Role
During this tea-time chat you will have a chance to learn more about the global community committed to advancing patient-engaged research. You will hear stories from members and discover the value of membership, which offers unparalleled cross-border research and learning opportunities, a world view of patient-engaged research, and a thriving community of practice.
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Leawood, KS 66211
Email: napcrgoffice@napcrg.org