Call for Nominations: Now Closed

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Open Call for Nominations

The Governance Committee (with staff assistance) will conduct an open call to the NAPCRG membership for nominations for open positions to the NAPCRG Board of Directors. Communication methods for the nominations call will include email, website announcement, social media communication, and a newsletter announcement. A list of open positions, links to appropriate job descriptions, nominations forms, and deadlines will be included in all communications. All nominees for the NAPCRG Board of Directors are required to complete a nominations form. All nominees for the NAPCRG Board of Directors are required to complete a conflict of interest disclosure form.


Nominations are Reviewed

All nominations will go to the NAPCRG Governance Committee to screen, process, discuss, and prioritize, and when necessary, solicit each nominee based on their qualifications that fit with the job description and current needs of the organization. The Governance Committee Chair will present a nominee(s) for each open position to the NAPCRG Board of Directors for discussion and approval. Committee member nominations will be submitted to the respective committee chair.


Nominations are Approved

The NAPCRG Board of Directors will review nominee(s) for each open position. The Board of Directors will confirm (yay or nay) the nominee for open positions with one nominee sent forward, and vote on the candidates where more than one nominee is sent forward from the Governance Committee. Whichever candidate receives the majority vote of the Board of Directors will be elected to the Board.


Newly Elected Members are Notified

The duly elected Board of Directors will be communicated to the NAPCRG membership through all communications channels.

Positions and Information

Board of Directors Positions (voting members):

Vice President
Immediate Past President
Awards Committee Chair
Committee on Advancing the Science of Family Medicine Committee Chair
Governance Committee Chair
International Committee Chair
Program Committee Chair
Research Advocacy Committee Chair
Patient Representatives
Trainee Committee Chair


Gallery Positions (non-voting):

Program Committee Vice Chair
Research Advocacy Committee Co-Chair
Trainee Committee Vice Chair
American Academy of Family Physicians National Research Network Representative
American Board of Family Medicine Representative
College of Family Physicians of Canada Section of Researchers Representative
Patient and Clinician Engagement Advisor
Robert Graham Center Representative
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Representative
Invited Advisors (TBD as needed, invitation only)

Statement on Promoting Diversity

"We recognize current and historical inequities in research, including inequities in populations and among researchers themselves, that have resulted in disparities in health and well-being. We strive to create a research environment that amplifies the diverse voices of people and communities across all aspects of research, and particularly for those populations and Indigenous peoples who have been -- or continue to be underrepresented. We seek to promote the participation of a diverse membership in NAPCRG leadership, meetings and programs, research, employment and in all its other endeavors. We strive to include all, inclusive of sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, race, religion, disability, ancestry or national origin; and to promote non-violent, rational idea exchange. We commit ourselves to promote primary care research scholarship nationally and internationally.”

Updated May 9, 2022

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11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway
Leawood, KS 66211