SRFP100: The Feasibility of Different Evidence-Based Nutrition Interventions in Primary Care Settings
Pranav Nandan, MPH; Clare Schrodt, BS; Carissa van den Berk-Clark, PhD, LMSW, MSW; Christopher Phan
Pranav Nandan, MPH; Clare Schrodt, BS; Carissa van den Berk-Clark, PhD, LMSW, MSW; Christopher Phan
Thanks and LOL to the one comment you included about patient feedback! It's clear that physician messaging is more effective when linked to more comprehensive programs. I'm curious if your work included any stories about brief action planning or SMART goal generation with patients?
Present your results in Phoenix next year! Thank you for sharing your work with NAPCRG!
Great. How's your day to demonstrate, this is an important but frustrating area for primary care practice. How did you incorporate the patient voice in planning, conducting or interpreting the study? Do these data and form a strategic next step in your studies? What could you do – or at least try – that would be new potentially useful? Thanks for sharing your work here at NAPCRG. - Bill Phillips
11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway
Leawood, KS 66211
Jack Westfall 11/21/2021Great poster and abstract. Thanks for sharing at NAPCRG