PCR032: Identifying Health Centers in Areas with Low COVID-19 Vaccination Rates & High Rates of Vaccine Hesitancy
Michael Topmiller, PhD; Mark Carrozza; Jessica McCann, MA; Jennifer Rankin, PhD, MHA, MPH, MS
Michael Topmiller, PhD; Mark Carrozza; Jessica McCann, MA; Jennifer Rankin, PhD, MHA, MPH, MS
Nice work. The claim that vaccines have lower uptake among racial and ethnic minorities is less compelling, esp. as accurate data capture has been a systematic problem. Recent data reflects that the racial-ethnic minority gaps are closing: https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-by-race-ethnicity/.
This is really great evidence needed in our efforts to control/mitigate COVID-19. How do you think this might be utilized to improve our public health profile?
Cool data although I think what's going to be interesting to is to look at trends later in the pandemic. We saw reluctance in the HIspanic and Black populations but have overcome that and our now biggest issue is in rural areas that are predominately white
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Email: napcrgoffice@napcrg.org
Jack Westfall
jwestfall@aafp.org 11/20/2021Great poster and abstract. wonder how these findings might be associated with the Community Health Index of primary care, public health, and social assets. hope we can collaborate on some shared interests. thanks. :)