
National Family Medicine Strategic Plan for Research (FMSPR)


Suggested Reading

Family Medicine Research and Translational Science Alignment: Leveraging the Clinical Translational Science Award Network

Practice-Based Research Networks: Asphalt on the Blue Highways of Primary Care Research

Building Family Medicine Research Through Community Engagement: Leveraging Federal Awards to Develop Infrastructure

Every Day I Write the Book: Transforming EHR Data from Daily Practice into New Knowledge

Leveraging the All of Us Database for Primary Care Research with Large Datasets

Measuring Research Capacity: Development of the PACER Tool

Lack of Investment in Family Medicine Research

Although it is the largest funder of biomedical research, the National Institute of Health, spent only 0.2% of its budget in 2021 on family medicine research.4 Despite being the largest specialty in the US Health system, primary care investment pales in comparison to other developed nations.5 This underinvestment impacts clinical care.6

Find Open Program Funding Opportunities


What is the Clinical and Translational Science Institute?        

The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) funds The Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) through the National Institute for Health (NIH) and supports a national network of medical institutions that speeds the translation of research discoveries into improved care. This program nurtures the field of translational science through education, training, and support.

Find your local NIH Funded CTSA Hub

Compelling facts that can help a Family Medicine Department engage with the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI)

For questions and updates on the strategic plan, please reach out to Shannon Robinson (