Medical Education Sessions

Upcoming Sessions

Join NAPCRG's CASFM (Committee on Advancing the Science of Family Medicine) for an hour-long online discussion with Dr. Charo Rodríguez, MD, MSc, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine at McGill University in Montréal, Canada.

This presentation will delve into the history of the McGill Family Medicine Education Research (FMER) Group from its creation 10 years ago. This exploration seeks to inspire and guide other scholars looking to make contributions at the crossroads of family medicine and health sciences education, emphasizing the importance of vision, perseverance, multidisciplinary and a steadfast commitment to academic excellence.

March 5th 11:00am CT | Register here

Co-Creation at the Crossroads: Knowledge ecology, recombinant innovation, and the evolution of medical education

December 1, 2023

About this presentation: Dr. Michael Epstein, who is also the co-founder and Managing Director of the University of Saskatchewan Centre for Integrative Medicine, holds a Ph.D. with concentrations in Decision Science, Organizational Behavior, and Information Systems from MIT.

Known for educational reform in medical education, Dr. Epstein's work has played a pivotal role in implementing innovative changes in medical education at both the national and local levels, notably pioneering the use of vertical theme integration to expedite curriculum reforms in undergraduate medical education.

This presentation will begin with a case study involving the introduction of 79 hours of new content in the first two years of the undergraduate medical curriculum, with the use of a vertical theme curriculum architecture.

This will be followed with some reflections and open discussion concerning the lessons that can be learned from the experience – lessons concerning curriculum architecture, instructional design strategies, and competencies associated with change leadership in undergraduate medical education.

The final segment will highlight the role of multiple, mutually synergistic, complementary innovations, in catalyzing and accelerating the process of evolution and transformational change in the medical curriculum.

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Leawood, KS 66211